Stop Scripts

Written by Kitsune
//Script to clear text, animation, and particles from a prim.
//by Robin Sojourner
// When you remove the scripts for effects, such as floating text, texture animation, or particles, from a prim it doesn't stop the effect.
// To do that, you need to reset it, which you can do by changing the code, or by using another script - this one!
// Just drop this script into a scriptless prim that has lingering effets you don't want, click Reset, and they will all stop. Remove this script, and they will stay stopped.
//If you only want to clear some of these effects, just type '//' in front of the line for the effect you want to KEEP. This turns the command into a comment, which will be ignored, and is referred to as "commenting out" the line.
// To keep floating text, comment out 11SetText
// To keep animatied textures, comment out llSetTextureAnim
// To keep particles, comment out llParticleSystem
                llSetTextureAnim(FALSE, ALL_SIDES,0,0,0.0, 1,0.3);