Buddy Builder Object

Written by Kitsune
// Builders' Buddy 1.0 (Component Pieces)
// by Newfie Pendragon, March 2006
// This script is distributed with permission that it may be used in
// any way, or may be further modified/included in resale items.
// HOWEVER, if this script is used as part of a for-sale product,
// it is required that appropriate credit be given to Newfie for
// the script (or portions used in derivatives).  That's a fair price
// in exchange for unlimited use of this script, dontcha think?
//(These instructions use channel 1234 in the examples, but can be
//  changed further down in the code to whatever channel you wish.)
// This is the *Component Piece* half of the Builders' Buddy system.
// Drop it into each 'piece' of the building.  Drop the Base Prim Script
// into the prim  that will be the container/box that will be used to
// store the building once completed.  It can be in each individual
// prim, but if you link as much as possible (and put the script in the link
// set), it'll be much more neighbourly and less strain on the sim.
// - Drop this script in the Base.
// - Drop the "Component" Script in each building part.
// - Type: /12345 RECORD
// - Take all building parts into inventory
// - Drag building parts from inventory into Base Prim
// - Type /12345 BUILD
// - To reposition, move/rotate Base Prim Type: /12345 MOVE
// - To lock into position (removes scripts) Type: /12345 DONE
// - To delete building pieces: /12345 CLEAN
// Configurable Settings
integer PRIMCHAN = 12346;    //Channel used by Base Prim to talk to Component Prims;
// This must match in both scripts
// Runtime Variables (Dont need to change below here unless making a derivative)
vector vOffset;
rotation rRotation;
string first_word(string In_String, string Token)
        //This routine searches for the first word in a string,
        // and returns it.  If no word boundary found, returns
        // the whole string.
        if(Token == "") Token = " ";
        integer pos = llSubStringIndex(In_String, Token);
        //Found it?
        if( pos >= 1 )
        return llGetSubString(In_String, 0, pos - 1);
        return In_String;
string other_words(string In_String, string Token)
        //This routine searches for the other-than-first words in a string,
        // and returns it.  If no word boundary found, returns
        // the an empty string.
        if( Token == "" ) Token = " ";
        integer pos = llSubStringIndex(In_String, Token);
        //Found it?
        if( pos >= 1 )
        return llGetSubString(In_String, pos + 1, llStringLength(In_String));
        return "";
                //Open up the listener
                llListen(PRIMCHAN, "", NULL_KEY, "");
        on_rez(integer iStart)
                //Set the channel to what's specified
                if( iStart != 0 )
                        PRIMCHAN = iStart;
                        state reset_listeners;
        listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kID, string sText)
                string sCmd = llToUpper(first_word(sText, " "));
                if( sCmd == "RECORD" )
                        sText = other_words(sText, " ");
                        list lParams = llParseString2List(sText, [ "|" ], []);
                        vector vBase = (vector)llList2String(lParams, 0);
                        rotation rBase = (rotation)llList2String(lParams, 1);
                        vOffset = llGetPos() - vBase;
                        rRotation = llGetRot() / rBase;
                        llOwnerSay("Recorded position.");
                if( sCmd == "MOVE" )
                        //Calculate our destination position
                        sText = other_words(sText, " ");
                        list lParams = llParseString2List(sText, [ "|" ], []);
                        vector vBase = (vector)llList2String(lParams, 0);
                        rotation rBase = (rotation)llList2String(lParams, 1);
                        //Calculate our destination position
                        vector vDestPos = (vOffset * rBase) + vBase;
                        rotation rDestRot = rRotation * rBase;
                        llOwnerSay("Pos: " + (string)vDestPos + ", Rot: " + (string)rDestRot);
                        integer i = 0;
                        vector vLastPos = ZERO_VECTOR;
                        while( (i < 25) && (llGetPos() != vDestPos) )
                                //If we're not there....
                                if( llGetPos() != vDestPos )
                                        //We may be stuck on the ground...
                                        //Did we move at all compared to last loop?
                                        if( llGetPos() == vLastPos )
                                                //Yep, stuck...move straight up 10m (attempt to dislodge)
                                                llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0, 0, 10.0>);
                                        } else {
                                                //Record our spot for 'stuck' detection
                                                vLastPos = llGetPos();
                                //Try to move to destination
                        //Set rotation
                if( sCmd == "DONE" )
                        //We are done, remove script
                if( sCmd == "CLEAN" )
                        //Clean up
state reset_listeners
                state default;