Ambient sound

Written by Kitsune
// Ambient Sound script by Alfkin Small.
// To use: Place this script in the object that you want to play a sound.
// The object need not be special.  Just place is where you want the sound
// to come from.
// Drop a sound file in the object, then change the key sound line below to
// the name of your sound file.
// If you like, you can set the min and max values as well, in addition to
// the volume.  That's all there is to it!
// Set debug to TRUE if you'd like to get debugging messages, otherwise
// leave the next line alone.
integer debug = FALSE;
// Minimum amount of time (in seconds) between sounds.
float min = 10;
// Maximum amount of time (in seconds) between sounds.
float max = 30;
// This is the volume at which the sound will play.  0 = Inaudible
// Valid values are between 0.0 - 1.0
float vol = 0.5;
// Sound to play.
key sound = "dolphin1.wav";
        if (debug) llSay(0, "Debugging is ON");
        // Set the initial timer
        // Play the sound once
        llPlaySound(sound, vol);
        // Randomly select the next time (in seconds) to play the sound.
        float time = min + llFrand(max - min);
        if (debug) llSay(0, "Time set to" + (string)time);