Slide Show

Written by Kitsune
// Bromley College 
// Linden Script Exhibition
// Code for Step 30 Poster
integer counter = 0;
        llSetText("Touch for next slide", <0,1,0>, 3);
        //Set floating text
        //stop users from dropping their own textures onto the object
        touch_start(integer total_number)          //when user touches object
        llSay ( 0, "Texture identifier is:  " + (string)counter);
        //Output the contents of the counter on ch0
        string texture = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, counter);
        //Get name of indexed texture
        llSay ( 0, "Texture name is: " + (string)texture);
        //Output the name of the texture on ch0
      // Display the texture on the front (side 3) of the object
      counter = counter + 1;
      // Point to the next texture in the object's inventory
      if (counter >= llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE)) 
      // If all textures have been displayed
          counter = 0; 
          // reset counter index and restart loop
// End of code;