Floating Script

Written by Kitsune
// Script for applying a small, random impulse to physical objects
// to make them float about.
// Note: There is no bound to where the objects go, this script
// is meant for objects in a physically bounded area (like a fish tank with a lid)
// Feel free to use as you wish, but do let me know if you find something
// interesting to do with it ...
//  Kimm Paulino
//  Written for Synonyme Toll, Sept 2009
// How often to apply the new impulse (in seconds)
float IMPULSE_TIME = 3.0;
// Range for the magnitude and x, y, z directions of the impulse
float IMPULSE_RANGE = 0.5;
float newRand (float range)
    // Want a random number in range +- 'range'
    return (llFrand(2.0*range) - range);
applySmallImpulse ()
    vector my_vec = llGetVel();
    float  my_mag = llVecMag (my_vec);
    vector my_dir = llVecNorm (my_vec);
    // Change the magnitude slightly ...
    my_mag = my_mag + newRand(IMPULSE_RANGE);
    // Change the direction slightly too ...
    my_dir = ;
    vector new_vec = my_dir * my_mag;
    //llOwnerSay ("Applying Impulse: " + (string)new_vec);
    // apply the impulse to us
    llApplyImpulse (new_vec, TRUE);
    on_rez(integer n)
        llResetScript ();
        // Turn on Physics
        llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_PHYSICS, TRUE]);
	// The following will stop it rotating and keep it facing the same direction if required
        // Set the boyancy to > 1.0 so that it floats
        llSetBuoyancy (1.0);
        // Set up a timer to apply an impulse
        llSetTimerEvent (IMPULSE_TIME);