Dragos Notecard Giver

Written by Kitsune
list visitor_list;
float range =40.0; // in meters
float rate = 1.0; // in seconds

integer isNameOnList( string name )
    integer len = llGetListLength( visitor_list );
    integer i;
    for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        if( llList2String(visitor_list, i) == name )
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

        llSay(0, "Visitor List Maker started...");
        llSay(0, "The owner can say 'help' for instructions."); 
        llSensorRepeat( "", "", AGENT, range, TWO_PI, rate );
                llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), "");
    sensor( integer number_detected )
        integer i;
        for( i = 0; i < number_detected; i++ )
            if( llDetectedKey( i ) != llGetOwner() )
                string detected_name = llDetectedName( i );
                if( isNameOnList( detected_name ) == FALSE )
                    visitor_list += detected_name;
                      llDialog(llDetectedKey(i), "Welcome to Constanta , Grab the Bargains ! If you don't want to buy anything, feel free to donate in our Donation box, every single  linden will be appreciated ", ["Ok"], 12345);
    listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
        if( id != llGetOwner() )
        if( message == "help" )
            llSay( 0, "This object records the names of everyone who" );
            llSay( 0, "comes within "+ (string)range + " meters." );
            llSay( 0, "Commands the owner can say:" );
            llSay( 0, "'help'  - Shows these instructions." );
            llSay( 0, "'say list'   - Says the names of all visitors on the list.");
            llSay( 0, "'reset list' - Removes all the names from the list." );
        if( message == "say list" )
            llSay( 0, "Visitor List:" );
            integer len = llGetListLength( visitor_list );
            integer i;
            for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                llSay( 0, llList2String(visitor_list, i) );
            llSay( 0, "Total = " + (string)len ); 
        if( message == "reset list" )
            visitor_list = llDeleteSubList(visitor_list, 0, llGetListLength(visitor_list));
            llSay( 0, "Done resetting.");