Inventory Counter

Written by Kitsune
// Inventory Statistic By Zep Palen.
// Here is another use of llGetInventoryNumber to show a statistic in a hovertext
// For this script to work you must add a showlist and an excludelist to the Description of the item this script is in.
// The description field must be filled like follows: [showlist];[Excludelist]
// Example: 0,1,3,5,6,7,10,13,20,21;3,7,10
// in the example all types are shown, but only types 3,7 and 10 are counted as total. You can see in the 2 lists below which number means which type
// This script is free to use and modify as you wish - Zep Palen
list inv_types = [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 20, 21];
list inv_names = ["Textures", "Sounds", "Landmarks", "Clothings", "Objects", "Notecards", "Scripts", "Bodyparts", "Animations", "Gestures"];
list objDesc = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), [";"], []);
list showList = llParseString2List(llList2String(objDesc, 0), [","], []);
list excludeFromCount = llParseString2List(llList2String(objDesc, 1), [","], []);
string counted = "This Archive Contains: " +llGetObjectName();
//    string counted = "ITEM COUNTER";
integer i = ~llGetListLength(showList);
while (++i)
integer showItem = (integer)llList2String(showList, i);
integer sIndex = llListFindList(inv_types, [showItem]);
if (~sIndex)
counted += "\n" + llList2String(inv_names, sIndex) + ": " + (string)llGetInventoryNumber(showItem);
integer totalCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL);
for (i = ~llGetListLength(excludeFromCount); ++i;)
integer exclItem = (integer)llList2String(excludeFromCount, i);
integer cIndex = llListFindList(inv_types, [(string)exclItem]);
if (~cIndex)
totalCount = totalCount - llGetInventoryNumber(exclItem);
counted += "\n \n" + "Total: " + (string)totalCount;
llSetText(counted, <1,1,0>, 1);
changed(integer change)